Little boy


30 X 20 cm

Fabric Collage



This mischievous looking boy is made of fabric layering!

Khaya Ngcangca born 1977 in Port Elizabeth,he is a passionate fabric collage and mixed medium artist. Originally a self thought visual artist started working with acrylic paints and oilpatels  showing every day life of ordinary South Africans particularly black people. In 2002 went to Blyth’s fine art for art classes for a year,in 2005 worked for IT company installing cables and network points till 2015.Today I work with different medium’s including fabric collage as my favourite medium. I took part in the following exhibitions, Who’s who what’s new 2015, Sketchbook project 2016, Just painting 2916,Artec 98th annual 2917, Ingcinga nenjongo 2017, Intsingiselo/the meaning 2018,Ithuba lakho/It’s your chance 2019, Social reflection’s (NAF) 2019, Through our eyes/journey to America exchange exhibition 2019 and The dark hour 2020.

Additional information

Dimensions 30 × 20 cm